After listening to film photography-related podcasts for the past five years, I’ve noticed a distinct absence of material for the beginner. Most podcasts are geared at the advanced hobbyist and conversations are difficult to follow for a beginner.
I wanted to help beginners get into film photography and to go through topics that others have long-since addressed or simply side-stepped as they focus in on narrow topics such as my own podcast, The Homemade Camera Podcast
There are good general-discussion podcasts such as The Sunny 16 Podcast, The Film Photography Podcast
Get Involved. Since I put myself in the place of the advanced hobbyist, I do not innately know what you want to know or need to know. I have to guess what your needs are by thinking back to my early days studying the field. Therefore, I need your questions. If there’s something that is unclear to you about one of the podcasts, or you start to explore and run into a wall, please ask a question. Each month, I record a Questions & Answers podcast that is released in the last week of each month. Fill out the Q & A form and I will try to get your question on the air or I will respond personally to your message or both.